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Set up passes

In this article

In this chapter, you will be able to set up passes for your business.

Passes are a rate that offers preferential conditions for premium customers through a QR code with a design that can be added to Wallet. It’s the equivalent of a list but in a permanent form.


Set up your pass

To create a pass, go to the main screen of your business and click on the three dots of the event, then proceed to set up the event, select passes, and create a rate.

Give a name to the pass, and determine the number of beneficiaries who can access using this pass.

You can add different options to configure the conditions of the pass. Pass settings do not allow for setting a minimum age, as they are subject to the settings of the specific event.

Save the rate, and from here, you can add a description to the pass specifying which days it can be used, excluded dates, and so on.

From the Assistant section, select the necessary customer data. Upon saving and selecting “only this,” you’ll return to the list of configured pass rates.

Send your pass to your best customers

To add customers, go to the calendar and click on “New customer,” select the pass rate, fill in the information such as name, email, photo (in case you want customer verification), and language. Now, you can send it!

To activate the QR codes associated with the pass in other events, it’s important to recreate the pass rate with the same name. This way, the list associated with the rate will automatically be reflected in the new event.

Clicking on “View sales,” you’ll see the status of the pass. And remember, passes must be validated by an administrator if they’re signed up by a user without roles or permissions.

The pass can be shown at the door using the QR code sent via email and can also be used in the digital wallet of a mobile device.

That’s the setup for passes in your business. In the next chapter, we’ll configure reservations.


Have we resolved your doubts?


8. Set up reservations

Continue with chapter 8 to complete the ‘Set Up Your Event’ module!



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