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Introduction to the advance tickets module

In this article

Learn how to sell tickets with each type of sale (cash, microsite, printed, paylink).


Firsts steps

Welcome to the first chapter of the Fourvenues Academy Ticketing Module. In this chapter you will learn about the different types of ticket sales that can be configured from Fourvenues Pro.
Let’s get started!

Advance ticketing not only ensures pre-event revenue, but also allows us to get a close estimate of attendance, optimise event planning and promotion, streamline access to the venue, build a high quality database for future marketing campaigns and boost average ticket sales.

Types of sale

From your events calendar screen, click on the top three dots in one of them and select Configure event, and from there select the tickets section. From the ticket types configuration, in the Options section you can choose the type of sale that best suits your needs: Cash, Microsite sale, Payment by link or Printed.

By default, when you create a ticket type, Microsite sales are activated. This means that it will be available through the official event link and the links to the different sales channels, including PR and partnerships.

From this section, you can activate or deactivate the following types of sale:

  • The Cash option allows professional users and collaborators to collect the amount of the tickets in cash. Fourvenues will register the amount collected in order to manage the relevant settlements with each seller.
  • Pay per link or Paylink allows sales channels to generate single- use links in which the customer is limited to the number of tickets that can be purchased with that type of ticket. This allows a private and exclusive sale, as well as special rates that do not appear in the sales links.
  • The “Printed” option is used to generate physical paper sales and record the amount collected. In this case, the mobile device must be connected to a printer in order to print these tickets, which do not record any customer data in the CRM.

Input design

To configure the different ticket PDF layouts, save the sales type settings and return to the main screen of your business. From the organisation settings button select PDF templates and select the one you like best.

You are now an expert in the different types of ticketing! If you want to continue to get the most out of Fourvenues PRO and take your business to the next level, continue with the next episode – let’s go!

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2. Ticket type configuration

Continuing with chapter 2 to complete the “Tickets” module!



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