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Post-sale information


Learn how to filter attendee information, modify, resend, return or export the ticket code for your attendees to the wallet.


Firsts steps

Welcome to the post-sales functionalities chapter of the Fourvenues Academy Ticket Module. In this chapter you will learn about the different actions you can perform from the ticket list, as well as the information you can see from the customer. Let’s get started!

See ticket information

You can view information about the client, as well as the status of each of the tickets sold, from the list of tickets in future or past events. By clicking on one of the sales you can see the ticket information, the attendee’s details and the check-in information if it has been scanned.

Refund of tickts

From the information of a ticket, click on 3 points to: modify the ticket information, resend the purchase confirmation email, download the PDF, refund the ticket amount to the same card used for payment and cancel the ticket.

Tickets can only be refunded for future events, which have been purchased via the Fourvenues payment gateway. Tickets sold in cash must be refunded by the same payment method. Cancelling a ticket means that the code becomes inactive, but no refund is made.

After cancelling or refunding a ticket, the same ticket is automatically made available at the same price, maintaining the total quota of the type of ticket. It is possible to refund tickets from the Access application. To do this you need to grant refund permissions to the receptionists from the general settings of the organisation.


To facilitate access to the information in the sales list, you can apply different filters from the 3 points and select filter. You can choose between filtering by sales channels, ticket types, status and type of sale, and by a specific referent. For example, if you want to see the total number of tickets that have been sold through the web, click on the 3 points, then on Filter and Status and Type and select only the web option.

Returning to the list of tickets sold, click on Sort by to sort the lists alphabetically, by number of people who have entered, order in which they have been entered, time of dispatch or time of arrival to the event.

Extra information

Returning to the list of tickets, to the left of each customer you can see different symbols that indicate whether it is a ticket purchased through the website, in cash, printed, through a payment link, at the box office or has been imported. In the case of invitations, it will not have any symbol. You can also check this in the Type of sale column.

Finally, you can apply different default views to the list of tickets by price, customer information and reception. It is also possible to apply a customised view by selecting the information you are interested in consulting on each occasion.

By activating the Group by sale option from the 3 dots on the ticket listing screen, you will see the listing separated by single sales.

Now you know where to check your attendees’ information and what actions you can take from the ticket list! If you want to continue getting the most out of Fourvenues PRO and take your business to the next level, continue with the next episode. Let’s go!

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11. Invitations

Continuing with chapter 11 to complete the “Tickets” module!



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