Learn how to generate invitations and define who can send them.
First steps
Welcome to the invitations chapter of the Fourvenues Academy Ticket Module. In this chapter we will explain how to generate them and what permissions are needed to do so. Let’s get started!
Permissions for invitations
Only users with administrator or event management permissions can generate ticket invitations, respecting the conditions of a previously configured ticket type.
Send invitations
From the list of tickets on the main screen of an event, click on the 3 dots and select send invitations. Select the tariff, the language of the notifications and enter the email and full name of the people you want to send them to. Each line is a different invitation. Be sure to enter it in the format shown in the example: Mail [space] First name [space] Last name.
Then press the send button.
The guest will receive a PDF with the QR code and conditions of the ticket. It should be noted that the invitations sent do not affect the limit of tickets configured in the type of ticket.
Now you know how to send invitations! If you want to continue to get the most out of Fourvenues PRO and take your business to the next level, continue with the next episode. Come on!
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12. Sales channels: Official and PR
Continuing with chapter 12 to complete the “Tickets” module!